Plain Bearings


Pin, Bushing and Track Roller Grease

Pin, Bushing and Track Roller Grease. Does not drip, ball or clog and controls wear even at slow speeds.


Waterproof Open Gear Grease

Waterproof Open Gear Lubricant. For heavy duty service. Provides super wear resistance, absorbs shock loads, protects against rust and corrosion. Easy to apply without heating; stays in place longer in hot or cold temperatures.


Food Grade Anti-Corrosion Grease

Food Grade Anti-Corrosion Grease. The revolutionary & genuine multipurpose grease that satisfies most major industries and abundant innovative applications.


"Shear Sensation Plus" All-Purpose Grease

Has unmatched shear strength and in-built temperature stability. Stays exactly without squeeze out, thinning or deforming. Matches every seal type. Available in NLGI #2 and #0.


Ultra Heavy Duty Grease

Omega 89 Ultra Heavy Duty Grease is a premium grease designed to protect and lubricate heavy-duty bearings operated at a wide range of speeds in moist operating condition